Thursday, May 31, 2007

Installing NDIS Protocols and Filters Programmatically

The Windows INetCfg API is used to install NDIS components, and the WDK includes the BindView sample application that illustrates its use.

BindView is a flexible Windows application that can install and uninstall NDIS clients, protocols and services. It is a good tool for use at certain stages of driver development, but can't be easily adapted to support programmatic NDIS component installation.

The Windows 2000 DDK includes a command-line tool called SNetCfg which could be used to programmatically install NDIS components if it was fed with the proper arguments. However, SNetCfg was clumsy to use and was a little buggy. It was dropped from later DDK versions in favor the more user-friendly BindView tool.

What I have found is that if you finally get one simple NDIS component installer (e.g., an installer for the DDK NDISPROT driver) to work the way you want it to, then it is easy to extend that installer to work with other NDIS services and protocols.

Installing the NDISPROT NDIS Protocol Driver Programmatically

As a starting point for my own work I wanted a simple tool that would help me understand how to use the INetCfg API to install a single NDIS protocol driver. In addition, I wanted this tool to be callable from a Windows Installer as a Custom Action.

I started with the old SNetCfg application and the current BindView application and made a command-line tool called ProtInstall. I modified the code to allow it to be built under Visual Studio instead of the Windows DDK build environment.

I have posted a page on that describes ProtInstall. It can be found at the URL:

That page also includes a link for downloading the ProtInstall source code.

The installer uses hard-coded service and PnP ID strings. These are all defined in the ProtInstall header files, which is intended to be a common header shared between drivers, installers and user-mode applications. So, if changes are made to this one file and referencing components are rebuilt, then they all should work properly.

ProtInstall works for me. Perhaps it can be of use to some readers as well.

Installing a NDIS 5 Intermediate Filter Drivers

This can be done by making a simple modification to the HrInstallNetComponent method in the netcgfapi.cpp module. Simply insure that the IM filter service and the companion IM filter miniport INF files are both copied using SetupCopyOEMInf call.

That's about it!

Installing a NDIS 6 Lightweight Filter Driver Programmatically

Just like installing a NDIS 5 protocol driver…

Multi-Platform NDIS Protocol and Filter Installers

Only simple additional modifications are needed to detect the OS and use different service, INF and PnP ID strings for the actual host platform.

Caveat Emptor

Although I have been using variations of ProtInstall in my own work, some folks have apparently extracted the code and included it within their own applications or services. That's fine with me, but if it doesn't work in a different application or service environment, then it's up to you to determine what's different.

NDIS Testing

My first post concerns NDIS testing with the new "Driver Test Manager" (DTM), soon to be replaced with the new and improved "Windows Logo Kit". I have been spending more time than I would like re-imaging DTM Clients and sitting in front of the DTM Studio console.

Here are a few tips that may be obvious to many of you, but you may overlook in haste to get a test submitted:

Update Your DTM Client BIOS

When you purchased your DTM Client machine it may have been setting on the shelf for a while and your "brand new" machine may have a BIOS that is out of date. If the machine has been around for a while after you acquired it the BIOS may have gotten even further out of date.

In addition, if there is a new major operating system release (e.g., Windows Vista…) there may be BIOS fixes that are needed specifically to support the new OS.

Updating the BIOS may or may not really make any difference, but it is good insurance.

Finally, if you ask for support for problems related to PnP and power the support representative will often suggest that your problem is a BIOS problem. That still could be the case, but at least you can say that you are testing with the latest BIOS.

Remove Unnecessary Devices

Use minimal devices on your DTM Client machine. Install just what you need and nothing more. It's really frustrating to encounter a crash in an unrelated driver in the middle of a three hour test run. It ruins you day unnecessarily.

Use Windows Update on Your DTM Client

Examine "All Available Updates" and get the most recent drivers for your system. Insure that there are no banged-out devices in the Device Manager.

Review Network Settings

If your DTM Client is multi-homed (i.e., multiple network adapters) carefully examine your network settings. My experience has shown that if your DTM Client/DTM Controller network topology is not robust DTM may make a bad routing choice.

The effect that I saw when I overlooked this step was that DTM seemed to "run like molasses". Some tests would appear to run very slowly while others would be cancelled by the DTM because of timeout.

An operation like Preparing DTM Client for Submission would take almost an hour if network settings are messed up and only minutes if settings are OK.

Use a Debugger

With the current DTM it is often difficult to identify the actual cause of a test failure. Sometimes you can see the actual problem in the debugger much more easily than you can in the DTM Studio.

In addition, for some tests involving sleep transitions the debugger gives helpful insight into the state of the system.

Use Reimaging Tools

It is almost certain that tests will fail and you will have to start over. (And over, and over…)

So take a snapshot of your DTM Client image using a tool that can save a complete disk partition as a file.

You will probably have to re-image more often than you hope…

Some Advice from WHQL

The July 16, 2007 issue of the WHQL and Windows Logo Program Newsletter includes some advice on avoiding test failures. The newsletter can be found at the URL:

Testing NDIS 5 Intermediate Drivers

As of this date (July, 2007) there is no WHQL/WLK test for NDIS 5 Intermediate drivers. If you want to get a WHQL signature for a NDIS 5 IM driver you must use the "Unclassified" test from the WLK.


I will be using this space to record information about Windows kernel-mode networking topics from time-to-time. I expect the content to range from editorial to tutorial, and will include notes to myself as I research, develop and test different things.

You are welcome to read along.

Thomas F. Divine

P.S. Since I don't care for SPAM, comments will be moderated.